Burn Information

If you want to burn: 

  1. Determine if you are inside the Forest Grove forest protection district boundary. If you are inside the red boundary, you are inside an Oregon Department of Forestry District. http://www.oregon.gov/ODF/Fire/Pages/Restrictions.aspx                                                                                                
  2. If you are in this area a burn permit is required. You are likely paying for fire protection services from the Oregon Department of Forestry. During fire season, no burning is allowed in this fire district without a burn permit. This is to protect forest resources and keep down your costs of forest fires. 

Remember, you are always responsible for the fire you light. 

If you are outside the Forest Grove Protection District consult with local fire department through their webpage or burn line. Washington County has lifted the county wide burn ban, so some burning is allowed in certain places and under certain conditions.

For specific burn types, here is some reference information:

Logging Slash
If you are inside the ODF Protection Boundary, at all times of the year you need a permit from ODF to burn any logging slash. 
If you are outside the ODF Protection Boundary, you need to "notify" ODF on a notification form, but a permit from ODF is not required. You need to contact your local fire department for burning instructions and also read the burn day message - link below.  

Agricultural Debris
During fire season, a permit from ODF is necessary inside the Forest Grove forest protection district boundary. When not in fire season and outside this fire district boundary , contact your local fire department and see the burn day message below. 
Campfires are now legal in the forest, but be fire safe!  
Other Fires
During fire season, a permit from ODF is necessary inside the Forest Grove protection district boundary. When not in fire season and outside the district boundary, contact your local fire department.

Here is daily information about burning conditions:


Have burning questions? Email us at: fgburninfo@oregon.gov